Home : About USAEC : FAQs

What is USAEC?​

The U.S. Army Environmental Command is a brigade-level command, led by a U.S. Army Chemical Corps colonel, assigned to the U.S. Army Installation Management Command, with a world-wide mission to provide environmental expertise that supports ready and resilient Soldiers and installations.

How can installations get support from USAEC?​

USAEC has established an Environmental Support Manager (ESM) for every Army installation. If an installation needs to know who their ESM is, they can contact AEC by email to usarmy.jbsa.imcom-aec.mbx.public-mailbox@army.mil or phone: (520) 684-3758 or (443) 243-0313.

What is USAEC's vision/goal for the future?​

Deliver premier environmental solutions and services, setting the standard for environmental excellence.

Why does USAEC exist?​

USAEC provides command and control for the delivery of environmental services and solutions in support of the Army's environmental program including environmental restoration (more commonly known as cleanup), environmental compliance, environmental conservation, environmental technology, environmental planning, auditing, sustainability, environmental outreach and public affairs.

What is USAEC's mission?​

USAEC executes environmental programs that enable Army readiness, environmental stewardship, and sustainability.

When was USAEC established​?

The command traces its history back to Nov. 15, 1972, when the Army created the Program Manager for Demilitarization of Chemical Materiel. In 1975, the organization took on the task of managing the newly established installation restoration program for the Army. Between 1978 and 1980, the Army’s environmental responsibilities expanded to include research and testing and pollution control technology. The organization’s mission, name and chain of command changed repeatedly throughout the years but the focus on managing Army environmental responsibilities remains to this day. The Base Realignment and Closure Congressional Act of 2005 established the U.S. Army Environmental Command as a major subordinate command of the Installation Management Command and that connection remains today.