The Army addresses the following questions in a five-year review to assess remedy protectiveness:
Is the remedy functioning as intended by the decision documents?
- Remedial action performance
- Implementation of Land Use Controls/Institutional Controls (LUCs/ICs)
- Monitoring activities
System operations/Operation & Maintenance (O&M)
- Early indicators of potential remedy problem
- Opportunities for optimization
- Costs of system operations/O&M
Are the exposure assumptions, toxicity data, cleanup levels, and remedial action objectives used at the time of the remedy selection still valid?
- Changes in exposure pathways
- Changes in land use
- New contaminants (e.g. emerging chemicals) and/or contaminant sources
- Remedy byproducts
- Changes in standards, newly promulgated standards, and to be considered
- Changes in toxicity and other contaminant characteristics
- Expected progress towards meeting remedial action objectives
- Risk recalculation/assessment (as applicable)
Has any other information come to light that could call into question the protectiveness of the remedy?
- Ecological risks
- Natural disaster impacts
- Natural disaster impacts
The U.S. Army Environmental Command (USAEC) is the Army program manager for five-year reviews. USAEC centrally initiates upcoming reviews with a cross-functional team supporting the Installation approximately eighteen months in advance of the report due date. The ROD/DD, start of remedial construction, and five-year review due dates are recorded in the Headquarters Army Environmental System (HQAES) database of record and data are used to prepare the Defense Environmental Program Annual Report to Congress (DEPARC). USEPA’s Superfund Enterprise Management System (SEMS) database also maintains five year review due dates. Installations identify their five-year review requirements in their Cost-to-Complete, Installation Action Plan, and data submissions.
Generally, all sites on an installation requiring five-year reviews are reviewed concurrently. However, separate reviews may be conducted for large or complex sites where operable units (OUs), or groups of OUs, have been treated as individual sites during the remedial process or for non-CERCLA sites. As new sites complete remedy decisions and trigger the need for a five year review, they will be consolidated into existing review schedules for efficiency where ever practicable, which means some sites may be reviewed in advance of the requirement in order to facilitate the initial consolidation.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Directorate of Environment and Munitions Center of Excellence (EM CX) provides independent quality assurance reviews of the five-year reviews for installations funded by the Environmental Restoration, Army (ER,A) account and BRAC sites; however each chooses the executor for conducting the reviews.
Army five-year reviews include background document reviews, a site visit, data analysis on contaminant levels, a report, and community notification at the start and conclusion of the review. Information commonly reviewed includes documents addressing the basis for the response action, implementation of the response, operations and maintenance, remedy performance, legal documentation and community involvement. The DERP guidance directs the Army to be consistent with the analytical framework found in the EPA document “Comprehensive Five-year Review Guidance” dated July 17, 2001 and supplements to that guidance, as directed by DoD and Army policy. One exception is that the Jan 20, 2016 EPA report template has NOT been fully adopted by DOD.
The five-year review report must contain a signed determination by the Installation Commander, or BRAC designee that a selected remedy is or is not protective of human health and the environment. If upon consideration of all issues identified during the assessment, the five-year review determines that a remedy is no longer protective, then the five-year review report includes recommendations concerning the steps necessary to achieve long term protectiveness. Recommendations also include a timeframe for completion and are captured and tracked in the USEPAs SEMS database. Lead (Army) and support agencies (USEPA and the State agency as appropriate) work together throughout the five-year review process to ensure that concerns are resolved in a timely manner, and to the extent practicable, prior to finalizing the Five-Year Review report. The goal is to resolve any concerns of support agencies before drafting the final report. USEPA will either concur with the final Federal agency or department protectiveness determination, or USEPA may provide independent findings. Disputes which arise related to protectiveness determinations or independent findings by USEPA may be resolved on a site-specific basis through formal dispute resolution procedures, typically established in Federal Facility Agreements (FFAs).
The Army, as the lead agency, submits a copy of the final Five-Year Review report to the USEPA Region. The Army is also responsible for conducting community involvement activities and for ensuring that recommendations and follow-up actions identified during five-year reviews are completed. Where active, a Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) /Technical Review Committee (TRC), must be apprised of an upcoming five-year review, including the scope, conclusions reached, and where and when the final report may be viewed. Whether there is an active RAB or not, the installation must announce via newspaper of largest general circulation when a CERCLA five-year review begins and when it has been completed.