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compliance cleanup program

crew members surveying and cleaning marsh water

The Compliance-related Cleanup (CC) program manages the cleanup of contaminated Army lands that are not eligible for Defense Environmental Restoration Program (DERP) funding. Compliance-related Cleanup generally includes sites on Army active (including Reserve) and Army overseas installations. This program also includes cleanup at federally-owned as well as non-federally owned, but federally-supported Army National Guard (ARNG) sites.

Like the Installation Restoration Program and the Military Munition Response Program, the principal goal of CC at Army installations is to perform appropriate, cost-effective cleanup to protect human health, safety, and the environment, and to sustain operational readiness and training. CC is a key element of the broader Army Environmental Cleanup Strategy and its associated environmental Cleanup Strategic Plan.

As a decentralized program, responsibility for CC is spread among several program managers with ultimate oversight accomplished by the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-9, Installation Services Directorate, Environmental Division. The Army Environmental Command is responsible for managing the CC program for active installations (including overseas) within the U.S. Army Materiel Command, to include the U.S. Army Installation Management Command, and the Army Reserves. The National Guard Bureau provides oversight for the federally-owned and non-federally owned, federally-supported facilities under their command. The Base Realignment and Closure Division of the DCS, G-9 provides oversight for the active installations, that have been declared excess to the Army's needs. Commands with a specific dedicated mission have responsibility for oversight of the CC program for their installations.

The Army will continue to fund, prioritize and support compliance-related cleanups. The process used to determine compliance cleanup project eligibility can be found in the Compliance Cleanup Program Eligibility Guidelines.

What has the Army done?


The Army establishes CC projects when a cleanup is mandated under authority of a federal and/or state environmental law (but does not qualify for DERP funding); when there is a release from hazardous waste treatment, storage, disposal facilities or solid waste landfills that are undergoing RCRA closure; when there is a release from a RCRA underground storage tank that was in service prior to October 1986; for contamination at overseas installations as prescribed by DODI 4715.08; and when there is contamination at non-federally owned, federally-supported Army National Guard sites.

Examples of typical CC projects include:

- Investigation and response action that goes beyond the initial/emergency response action. Initial/emergency actions are paid for by the generator of the contamination. Further investigation and response action to address contamination of soil, surface water, or groundwater after the initial containment, removed and disposal of contaminated materials.
- Investigation and response actions for leaking underground storage tanks after initial confirmation sampling to determine that a release from the tank or associated equipment has occurred.
- CERCLA actions for known contamination that are not eligible for other funding in accordance with the DERP Management guide.
- RCRA actions for known contamination that are not eligible for other funding in accordance with the DERP Management guide.
- RCRA closure actions where a release of contamination has occurred.
- Cleanup of contamination at closed, transferred, or transferring ranges that is not included under the Military Munitions Response Program.
- Post cleanup monitoring and maintenance associated with a compliance cleanup project after the response action has been instituted (remedy-in-place).

Why is this important?

Like the IRP and MMRP, the CC program restores Army lands to usable condition, freeing previously-restricted land for other uses, most importantly training our Soldiers. These programs also protect human health and the environment on Army installations and in neighboring communities. The CC program provides for this type of cleanup work at sites that would not be funded under DERP.