Why is this important?
The military's mission requirements make it one of the largest purchasers of OWS in the United States. Unfortunately, some of the separators the military installed are not performing as anticipated. Inadequacies result from poor design, improper selection of off-the-shelf units, failure to understand the characteristics of the wastewater and lack of maintenance. The same problems can be found with field-constructed separators.
Most OWS are designed to remove oil and grease from waste streams. In reality OWS encounter significant quantities of dirt, cleaning aids, fuels, floatable debris, improperly disposed litter and other material.
Primarily, military OWS fail because of improper or inadequate maintenance. At times this is due to lack of convenient access for maintenance of the OWS. Some designs have only manhole access ports or are installed completely below paved surfaces. When OWS fail they become ineffective. As a result, oil does not separate out of the OWS. Improper discharge of the wastewater can lead to regulatory action, treatment plant overload, or contamination of a storm water discharge system.