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Pollution Prevention (P2)

Pollution prevention (P2) is a core priority for the U.S. Army Environmental Command. P2 is a comprehensive initiative to reduce and prevent pollution at the source. It focuses on conservation of resources, replacement of hazardous materials with less hazardous materials, waste reduction, recycling, and other preventive means to successfully and cost effectively avoid, prevent, or reduce the generation of pollutants.

What has the Army done?


USAEC's role in helping achieve environmental compliance for the Army through the application of P2 includes:

- Integrating P2 into other environmental management programs (air management, drinking water management, Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) implementation, Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) implementation, hazardous waste management, integrated solid waste management, storage tank and spill management, and toxics management) as applicable
- Working with Army installations to develop P2 strategies that result in an installation P2 plan
- Documenting and evaluating performance of P2 initiatives by collecting and sharing success stories and lessons learned
- Tracking the Army's progress in meeting DoD and Army environmental goals
- Reviewing P2-related presidential orders and local, state and federal requirements
- Supporting Army and DoD P2 policy efforts
- Preparing programmatic and media-specific guidance documents, including P2 options
- Developing technology and tools to assist installations in complying with P2 requirements
- Supporting installations when requested
- Monitoring DoD and the EPA to stay abreast of current and future initiatives
- Support Army and DoD environmental technology development and  transition efforts

Why is this important?


The Army P2 program has three major impacts on the Army. First, it helps installations reduce costs through reducing their environmental compliance burden by minimizing the applicability of requirements imposed by environmental laws and regulations. Second, successful P2 projects help reduce operational compliance costs. Third, the P2 program is fundamental in reducing diversion rates for non-hazardous waste and the generation of pollution. The Army P2 program focuses on implementing changes in toxic  chemical substitution, P2 technology development and transition, and processes to achieve a cost-effective reduction in the generation of pollution without adversely impacting mission readiness.

P2 also plays an essential role in Army efforts to implement installation sustainability programs. In sustainability, P2 provides essential tools to help installations meet their long-term P2 goals. Some typical P2 projects include:

- Polystyrene (styrofoam) densifier/compactor
- Refillable pressurized aerosol sprayer
- Wood waste grinder
- Filter and reuse of fuel
- Sustainable green procurement
- Natural gas conversion of boilers
- Recycling non-hazardous waste
- Solvent recycling
- Waste reduction
- Weapons parts cleaning systems