The Army prepares and revises watershed management/protection plans and organizes all activities that may affect water quality within a watershed planning unit in a manner that complies with plans and policies. Any construction or earth-moving operations are evaluated to ensure observance of appropriate federal, state, or local requirements for soil erosion control. Installations take action to reduce natural soil erosion, which protects the quality of nearby waterways.
USAEC's role in promoting environmental compliance for the Army in the area of watershed and storm water management includes:
- Reviewing all CWA and SDWA rulemakings;
- Preparing Army impact analyses and comments on potential rulemakings;
- Preparing guidance documents, including pollution prevention options;
- Developing tools to assist installations in complying with CWA and SDWA requirements including step-by-step procedures, protocols, worksheets, answers to commonly asked questions, and additional resources;
- Supporting the goal of eliminating negative impacts of Army installations on the watersheds in which they are located, by advising wise program management decisions, necessary infrastructure improvement, and efficient operational and maintenance procedures;
- Working with the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-9 and the Installation Management Command (IMCOM) to develop compliance strategies;
- Tracking the Army's progress on meeting DoD and Army environmental goals;
- Supporting installations when requested;
- Maintaining contact with the EPA to stay abreast of current and future initiatives;
- Along with DCS, G-9, representing the Army on DoD committees; and
- Hosting discussion groups within the Army to exchange lessons learned and share information.