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Conservation Reimbursable and Fee Collection Program

Photo of a mostly black cow with some white on face and chest in an open green/gold field.
The Army's Conservation Reimbursable and Fee Collection Program (CRFCP) provides supplemental non-appropriated natural resource management funding from three revenue producing activities: forest product sales; agriculture and grazing out leases; and hunting, fishing and trapping permit fee sales.

The Army will continue to use the CRFCP Programs to provide natural resource funding that allows installations the ability to develop their own mission-scape and accomplish their military mission.

Why is this important?

These programs exist to help support and enhance each participating installation’s training and testing lands as deployment and readiness platforms. Qualified natural resource management activities are reimbursable from CRFCP revenues generated at participating installations. This increases available natural resource funding.

What has the Army done?


Agricultural and Grazing Out Leases

Agricultural and grazing out leases fees support lease administration and natural resource project implementation. The farmers and ranchers that lease this land provide offset land maintenance cost and support special training requirements.  In FY 2022, 12 Army IMCOM installations covering 261K acres generated out lease revenue of $898K and returned $539K to Army installations to support program execution. USACE districts received $184K to administer the leases. Permittees performed $900K in estimated in-kind services for performing work such as fence repair, road improvements, and erosion control.  Leases also offset the cost of contract mowing.

What has the Army done?



Forestry revenues are generated from the sale of forest products such as saw timber, pulp wood, poles, pine straw, and firewood.  These revenues allow the U.S. Army to manipulate the forestry landscape to sustain and enhance training lands.  This is done through timber stand improvements, timber thinning, endangered species management, and prescribed burning.  In fiscal year (FY) 2022, 27 Army IMCOM installations covering 1.3M acres, generated $11.1M in revenue and returned $7.7M to Army installations to support program execution. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' districts also received $1.8M to administer most of the installation timber sales. States are entitled to 40% of the forestry revenue/obligation net balance to be used for roads and schools in the county where revenues are generated. In FY 2022, $1.2M in states entitlements were distributed. The remaining balance of $400K was deposited into the Forest Reserve Account and is available in subsequent years for program unanticipated contingencies and additional natural resource projects.

What has the Army done?


Hunting, Fishing, and Trapping

Hunting, fishing, and trapping program promotes opportunities for active/retired military personal and their families, civil service employees, and approved public.  This program enhances the quality of life for Soldiers, Civilians, and the Community.  It also helps to manage the wildlife populations on these installations. Sikes Act fees are used for program administration and for natural resource project implementation at the installation where collected. In FY 2022, 30 Army IMCOM installations covering 4.1M acres collected permit fees of $1.8M. 

Read more about it:

The following legal statutes and policy guidance govern the operation of the Army Conservation Reimbursable and Fee Collection Programs. These statutes and guidance establish the legal authority to operate the programs, direct their operation, and guide the natural resource management of military installations

The requirements and History of the three CRFCP programs is available here.

Title 10 of the United States Code

The Sikes Act

Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation 7000.14-R, Volume 11A, Chapter 16 (March 1997).

Department of Defense Instruction 4715.03, Natural Resources Conservation Program (March 2011).

Army Regulation 200-1, Environmental Protection and Enhancement (13 December 2007)

32 CFR 651, Environmental Analysis of Army Actions (29 March 2002).

Army Regulation 215-1, Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Activities and Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities (24 September 2010).

Army Regulation 405-80, Management of Title and Granting Use of Real Property (10 October 1997).

Army Regulation 405-90, Disposal of Real Estate (10 May 1985).