Migratory birds are some of nature’s most magnificent resources and play a significant role in the health of the environment, economy, and culture both in the United States and internationally. Each spring and fall season are marked by massive migrations along specific migratory routes called flyways; four occur in North America (Atlantic, Central, Mississippi and Pacific). The primary motivation for migration appears to be food and reproduction. The most common pattern involves flying north in the spring to breed in the temperate or Arctic summer, then returning in autumn to warmer regions in the south where greater food availability exists. The Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) is one of the oldest environmental protection laws in the United States. Passed in 1918 because of dramatic declines in bird populations, the law provides for protection and conservation of birds found in countries around the world. In spite of its name, the MBTA protects nearly all birds occurring in the U.S., even those that remain in the same general locations year-round. It prohibits harm and harassment; and taking bird parts (e.g., feathers), nests, and eggs.