What has the Army done?
There are over 1,374,965 acres of wetlands on Army installations. Each year the Army executes projects (mostly construction) that could potentially impact the nation’s rivers, streams, wetlands and other aquatic resources. Compensatory mitigation is necessary to replace aquatic resources lost to authorized and unavoidable impacts to ensure “no net loss” of the nation’s wetlands.
The 2008 Compensatory Mitigation Rule established performance standards and criteria to improve the quality and success of compensatory mitigation projects authorized by Corps permits. Some Army installations can’t conduct the required compensatory mitigation on-site, so they use mitigation and/or in-lieu fee banks as compensatory mitigation.
The Rule defines a Mitigation Bank as, “… a site, or suite of sites, where resources (e.g., wetlands, streams, riparian areas) are restored, established, enhanced, and/or preserved for the purpose of providing compensatory mitigation for impact authorized by Department of Army permits.” In-Lieu Fee mitigation occurs in circumstance where a permittee provides funds to an In-Lieu Fee sponsor instead of either completing project-specific mitigation or purchasing credits from a wetland mitigation bank. Mitigation banking is initiated in advance of the impact; reduces uncertainty of whether the compensatory mitigation will be successful in offsetting project impacts; and reduces permit processing time and provides more cost-effective compensatory mitigation opportunities.
Installation Management Command (IMCOM) installations participate in 10 Wetland Mitigation and/or In-Lieu Fee Banks.