Home : PFAS Information : JP : USAG Okinawa - Torii Station

okinawa -  torii station


The Army is committed to ensuring quality drinking water is provided to its Soldiers, family members, and civilians. Proactive sampling is performed by the Army on its drinking water systems and coordination with other purveyors of drinking water to installations occurs to ensure PFOS/PFOA remains below 70 parts per trillion (ppt) for PFOS and PFOA (individually or combined). While not an enforceable regulatory standard, this represents a concentration in drinking water that is not expected to produce adverse health effects if the water is consumed over an entire lifetime.

Status:  Finished drinking water, which is the treated water people drink at Torii Station-Okinawa, is purchased by the Army. Water testing for PFOS/PFOA can be performed by either the drinking water provider or the Army.  There have been no reported exceedances of the EPA 2016 lifetime health advisory levels.

PFOA + PFOS Results:  below the laboratory's ability to detect

Test results date:  July 2024

Testing Frequency: every 2 years and every 3 years depending on system

Future Testing Event: September 2025

Type of drinking water systems:  purchased

For questions contact:  Public Affairs

Office phone number:   (410) 278-4415

Office e-mail address:  quentin.w.johnson.civ@army.mil

Water Quality Reports

Last reviewed/updated: 10/27/24