Home : PFAS : NC : FTBR

fort bragg/fort liberty


The Army is committed to ensuring quality drinking water is provided to its Soldiers, family members, and civilians. Proactive sampling is performed by the Army on its drinking water systems and coordination with other purveyors of drinking water to installations occurs to ensure PFOS/PFOA remains below 70 parts per trillion (ppt) for PFOS and PFOA (individually or combined). While not an enforceable regulatory standard, this represents a concentration in drinking water that is not expected to produce adverse health effects if the water is consumed over an entire lifetime.

Status: Finished drinking water, which is the treated water people drink at Fort Liberty, does not contain PFOS/PFOA above the EPA's 2016 lifetime health advisory levels. Additionally, Army-provided drinking water complies with the standards of the Safe Drinking Water Act, a federal law designed to protect the quality of drinking water supplied to the American public.  The Army will continue to sample and monitor on-base drinking water to ensure the EPA 2016 lifetime health advisory levels or a properly promulgated state safe drinking water standard is not exceeded.   

PFOA + PFOS Results: 9.3 parts per trillion (ppt) in finished drinking water

Test results date:  March 2024

Testing Frequency:  semiannually or every 2 years depending on the system

Future Testing Event:  December 2024

History: As a proactive measure, the Army tested the drinking water at Fort Liberty for PFAS. In 2020, test results from a well in a remote training location exceeded (95 ppt) the EPA lifetime health advisory. An alternate water source is being provided until a long-term solution is implemented. 

Type of drinking water systems: Army-owned, privatized and purchased

For residents requesting further information call:   (910) 396-6518

For all media enquiries, email: usarmy.liberty.usag.mbx.public-affairs-requests@army.mil

Water Quality Reports


The Army follows the federal cleanup law, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) of 1980 (also known as “Superfund”), and long-standing Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations for all chemicals in its cleanup program, including PFAS.  In collaboration with federal and state regulatory agencies and interested stakeholders, the Army follows the CERCLA process to investigate a release resulting from Army activities and to assess the appropriate cleanup actions based on risk to human health and the environment.

When the Army identifies that it has impacted drinking water above 70 parts per trillion (ppt) for PFOS/PFOA (individually or combined) on or off an installation, it takes appropriate actions to provide alternate water and ensure drinking water levels are promptly reduced  (for example, by providing bottled water, shutting down wells, installing treatment systems or connecting to municipal water).

Final reports, points of contact, and/or site specific web links will be updated on this page as cleanup actions progress.

CERCLA is a complex, multi-phase process that provides a consistent, science-based approach across the nation for cleanup and may take years to complete. Read more about CERCLA and the phased approach here


Current CERCLA Phase:  RI Underway

Estimated Phase Completion:  


Final Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Fort Bragg, North Carolina (June 2022) Appendices available upon request.


For residents requesting further information call:   (910) 396-6518

For all media enquiries, email: usarmy.liberty.usag.mbx.public-affairs-requests@army.mil
Last reviewed/updated: 10/27/24