Terri Thomas

Deputy to the Commander

Terri Thomas currently serves as the Deputy to the Commander at the U.S. Army Environmental Command (USEAC).  In this role, Ms. Thomas provides leadership and oversight to a staff of over 100 environmental, financial, human resources, and public affairs professionals.

Ms. Thomas’ federal career began when she worked in the student program as a temporary Park Aid for the Corps of Engineers while earning her Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Science. Her first permanent government position was as a Park Ranger at the Statue of Liberty in New York City. Since then, she has held technical specialist, supervisory, and management positions with several government agencies in widely differing areas of the country and at job settings as varied as: the largest sea level canal in the world, an urban national park, multipurpose water resource projects in the rural northern plains, the second largest hydropower producing dam in the U.S., the second largest rolled earth dam in the world, the environmentally sensitive Florida Keys, and the varied ecosystems of the Pacific Northwest.

Terri has over 30 years of experience in NEPA, Natural Resources, and Program/Project Management (registered Project Manager) and possesses a broad technical background and experience in Environmental Compliance, Restoration, Stewardship and Sustainability.

Prior to assuming the duties of the Deputy, Ms. Thomas was the Area Manager for the Bureau of Reclamation’s Yuma AZ Area office.  She provided leadership and oversight to a staff of over 130 professionals and all aspects of planning, environmental compliance, and operations and maintenance of the Colorado River water delivery, groundwater and salinity management, resource management, and desalting services. 

Ms. Thomas was the Regional Supervisor of the Office of Environment for the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Gulf of Mexico Region (GOMR). She advised the Regional Director; providing policy guidance, program oversight, direction and management related to development of the nation’s offshore resources in an environmentally and economically responsible way. She oversaw all environmental sections within the Office of Environment: Environmental Operations (post-lease activities); Environmental Assessment (pre-lease activities); Subject Matter Experts in Biology, Marine Science, Oceanography, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences and Air and Water Quality; and Environmental Studies.

Additionally, Terri created and facilitated the in-house Leadership Development Program for employees at all levels of GOMR BOEM; the concept and program was adopted by the Senior Management Team of BOEM as a National Program for BOEM. She is a Certified Diversity Change Agent, has completed OPM Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) Certification, and graduated from the Department of Interior Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program (SESCDP) in March 2017.

Terri grew up near Lake Michigan where she developed a passion for sailing. Her passion these days centers on enjoying the company of her rescued Doberman Pinschers.

Last reviewed/updated: 6/27/24