What is it?
The key document in the management and execution of the Army’s Cleanup Program is the installation action plan or IAP. Each installation conducting an ongoing environmental cleanup provides an IAP outlining the total multi-year integrated, coordinated approach to achieving their restoration goals. The plan is used by the U.S. Army Environmental Command, other Army commands and installations to monitor requirements, schedules and budgets. The IAP provides the environmental restoration requirements, the rationale for the selected technical approach and corresponding financial needs for each cleanup site. Prior year funding and tentative cost estimates through the entire remedial process are included. Estimates of cost must be fully supportable, either using a cost estimating model or engineered estimate. IAPs includes sections on the installations' Installation Restoration Program (IRP), Military Munition Response Program (MMRP) and Compliance Cleanup (CC) sites.
The IAPs contain the current status of each open cleanup site (as of the end of the previous fiscal year), a list of closed sites and information about community involvement.
View the latest released IAPs:
What has the Army done?
Twice each year, the Army requires installations to update environmental restoration information data including cost estimates, and in-progress reviews in the centralized environmental database for the annual submission of the DERP ANNUAL REPORT TO CONGRESS. The information in the database is also used to prepare the IAP, which includes individual site descriptions and site status and major issues that affect the installation’s cleanup program.
The database provides the ability to enter and revise cost-to-complete estimates and import Remedial Action Cost Engineering Requirements (RACER) estimates. It automatically generates phase information. It also allows online phase-to-phase validation of required and programmed dollars. Finally, the database provides document upload capability in support of land use controls (LUCs) in Records of Decision/Decision Documents.
What does the Army have planned?
The Army will continue moving cleanup sites through the investigation and cleanup phases toward remedy in place or response complete (RIP/RC). The IAPs document that progress and provide a snapshot of what the installation has, is and is planning to do to complete the restoration process.
Why is this important?
The IAP provides solid evidence that the Army is firmly committed to expeditious identification and cleanup of environmental contamination, and that the installation has a credible, organized program to carry out that commitment. The IAP is published to allow the public to be able to review the installation’s plan and better understand its cleanup activity goals and accomplishments.
Read more about it: