Home : BAAP : RAB


To become more involved in the Army's cleanup at the former Badger Army Ammunition Plant (AAP), please attend Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) meetings and other public informational meetings announced in the local newspaper, by email to our mailing list, and on this website. You can view documents related to the Badger AAP cleanup at the information repositories retained at:
George Culver Community Library
615 Phillips Blvd
Sauk City, Wisconsin 53583
Ruth Culver Community Library
540 Water Street
Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin 53578

Meeting Information

October 17, 2024 meeting - The Army hosted a public meeting of the Badger Army Ammunition Plant Restoration Advisory Board at the Sauk Prairie High School River Arts Center, 105 Ninth Street, Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin 53578 from 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. The meeting included an MS Teams virtual option for those unable to attend in person. Meeting included updates on the Site-Wide Groundwater Proposed Plan, Settling Ponds Expanded Site Inspection, Gruber’s Grove Bay Data Gap Investigation, US Geological Survey (USGS) Modeling, and PFAS Remedial Investigation. Links to meeting information are included below.
  • RAB Presentation (Army) 
  • Minutes of Meeting
July 18, 2024 meeting - The Army hosted a public meting of the Badger Army Ammunition Plant Restoration Advisory Board at the George Culver Community Library. The meeting included an MS Teams virtual option for those unable to attend in person. Meeting included updates on the Spring 2024 Groundwater Sampling, Site-Wide Groundwater Proposed Plan, Settling Ponds Expanded Site Inspection, Gruber's Grove Bay Data Gap Investigation, PFAS Remedial Investigation, Five Year Review, and TAPP Grant. Links to meeting information are included below. March 21, 2024 meeting - The Army hosted a public meting of the Badger Army Ammunition Plant Restoration Advisory Board at the Sauk Prairie High School River Arts Center. The meeting included an MS Teams virtual option for those unable to attend in person. Meeting included updates on the Proposed Plan for Site-Wide Groundwater, Gruber's Grove Bay path forward, 5-year review, Settling Pond Expanded Site Inspection, PFAS Remedial Investigation for Propellant Burning Ground, and TAPP Grant. Links to meeting information are included below. October 19, 2023 meeting - The Army hosted a public meeting of the Badger Army Ammunition Plant (AAP) Restoration Advisory Board (RAB)  at the Sauk Prairie School District's River Arts Center Gallery., 105 9th St, Prairie Du Sac, Wisconsin. The meeting included an MS Teams option for those unable to attend in person, as well as broadcasting on YouTube. Meeting included Proposed Plan response to WDNR comments, EVO overview, Optimization Update including well installations, groundwater sampling update, Gruber’s Grove Bay sediment RI update, USGS groundwater modeling update, and project management update on other cleanup activities. Links to meeting information are included below. July 26, 2023 meeting - This meeting was a hybrid meeting, held at the Sauk Prairie High School River Arts Center and virtually using MS Teams. Attendees were able to attend in person, dial in to a teleconference line or sign in using a web browser or the MS Teams app, and watch on YouTube to hear and view presentations.   Meeting included a residential sampling update for County Road Z, well optimization update, groundwater sampling summary, Grubers Grove Bay Sediment Remedial Investigation Update, as well as project management updates on other cleanup activities.  April 20, 2023 meeting - This meeting was a hybrid meeting, held at the Sauk Prairie High School River Arts Center and virtually using MS Teams. Attendees were able to attend in person, dial in to a teleconference line or sign in using a web browser or the MS Teams app, and watch on YouTube to hear and view presentations.  Links to the information displayed during the meeting  are included below. Meeting included a review of the Installation Action Plan process, an update on groundwater network optimization, project management updated for the Proposed Plan for the Site-wide Groundwater, Second Five-Year Review, Community Involvement Plan, and key contracting actions. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers provided an update on the Gruber's Grove Bay remedial action alternatives evaluation and the USGS provided an overview of the Groundwater Flow Model Report.  January 19, 2023 meeting - This meeting was a hybrid meeting, held at the Sauk Prairie High School River Arts Center and virtually using MS Teams. Attendees were able to attend in person, dial in to a teleconference line or sign in using a web browser or the MS Teams app, and watch on YouTube to hear and view presentations. Links to the information displayed during the meeting  are included below. The first hour was dedicated to administrative matters and finalizing the Operating Procedures for the RAB. Meeting included an update of the groundwater monitoring results, groundwater network optimization including proposed new monitoring wells, and update on the Gruber's Grove Bay remedial action alternatives evaluation. USGS will continue groundwater modeling; updates on the proposed plan, second five-year review and community involvement plan update. October 18, 2022 meeting - This meeting was a hybrid meeting, held at the George Culver Community library and virtually using MS Teams. Attendees were able to attend in person, dial in to a teleconference line or sign in using a web browser or the MS Teams app, and watch on YouTube to hear and view presentations. Links to the information displayed during the meeting  are included below. The first hour was dedicated to administrative matters including a TAPP grant request, addition of RAB members and updating of RAB operating procedures. The Lake Wisconsin Alliance was added as a permanent RAB Member. Meeting included an update of the groundwater monitoring results, groundwater network optimization, and update on the contract action for the Gruber's Grove Bay remedial action alternatives evaluation. USGS will continue groundwater modeling; proposed plan is being prepared and will be reviewed by WDNR, and the Army will kickoff the second five-year review. August 4, 2022 meeting - This meeting was a hybrid meeting, held in person at Sauk Prairie High School Board Room, virtually using MS Teams and streamed on YouTube. Attendees were able to attend in person, dial in to a teleconference line or sign in using a web browser or the MS Teams app, and watch on YouTube to hear and view presentations. Links to the information displayed during the meeting  are included below. The first hour was dedicated to administrative matters including a TAPP grant request, addition of RAB members and updating of RAB operating procedures. USGS provided an overview of their assessment of contaminant trends in plumes and wells and monitoring network optimization at the Badger Army Ammunition Plant (AAP).  Another USGS group provided a demonstration of the geonarrative/story map that visually portrays groundwater water quality at Badger AAP at  https://md.water.usgs.gov/waterdata/BAAP/.  The Army's contractor provided an update on the latest groundwater monitoring results and USAEC provided project management updates. April 21, 2022 meeting - This meeting was held in person at Sauk Prairie High School Board Room, as well as virtually using MS Teams.  Attendees were able to dial in to a teleconference line or sign in using a web browser or the MS Teams app to hear and view presentations.  Links to the information displayed during the meeting  are included below. The Army updated the participants on the Community Involvement Plan, Proposed Plan for Groundwater, Settle Pond Expanded Site Inspection, new contract approach to Grubers Grove Bay, and an update on groundwater sampling and landfill upgrades. USGS provided an update on the groundwater modelling effort. Members agreed to a quarterly schedule for upcoming RAB meetings on the third Tuesday of the month (i.e., July 21 and October 20, 2022 and January 19 and April 20, 2023) if the facility is available.