BAAP-012 (Groundwater Monitoring On- and Off-Post)

Site BAAP-35 is used to track long-term care requirements for the following closed sites to ensure that all requirements are met: the Propellant Burning Ground area caps and covers (Racetrack Area soil cover, Landfill No. 1 cap, and the combined Propellant Burning Ground pits/1949 pit caps), caps at Landfills No. 5 and 3118, and the Deterrent Burning Ground area/Landfill No. 3 cap. Contaminants of concern (COCs) at BAAP-35 are metals in groundwater and soil.
The Propellant Burning Ground Racetrack Area was used to burn propellants that were outside specification limits and was later permitted by the state as the hazardous waste thermal treatment unit. The area was closed in 1994 following soil removal and placement of a soil cover. Landfill No. 1 received solid waste and ash between 1944 and 1955, and was capped in 1997. The 1949 pit area was used for open burning of wastes after 1944 through the 1950s, and was backfilled in 1962. An engineering cap was placed on the area in 1998 and it was formally closed; the cap was extended in 2008 to cover the Propellant Burning Ground waste pits. Landfill No. 5 was closed in 2001 and Landfill 3118 was closed in 2009. Landfill No. 3 was capped as part of the Deterrent Burning Ground which was closed in 2003. Long-term operation and maintenance, in accordance with WDNR regulations, will continue for these specific sites.
The Army is beginning the second five-year review of remedial actions implemented at Badger AAP to determine if selected remedies are operating as intended and still protective of human health and the environment.
The Army has finalized the Remedial Investigation (RI) and Feasibility Study (FS) for groundwater at Badger AAP and are working on a Proposed Plan. The contaminants of concern identified in the RI have an associated current or hypothetical future risk. The FS evaluated potential response actions for the identified risks. The Army’s preferred alternative or remedy will be presented in the Proposed Plan; the remedy will be based on the results of the RI/FS. The Proposed Plan will briefly summarize the remedial investigation and the remedial alternatives evaluated in this RI/FS, highlighting the key factors that led to identifying the preferred alternative. The Army submitted the Proposed Plan to the regulatory agencies in February 2023 and will release to the public for review after regulator review is completed. There will be a public comment period and public meeting specifically for the Proposed Plan. After this review, the Army will release a Decision Document that documents the selected remedy, certifies that the remedy selection process was carried out in accordance with CERCLA, and addresses public comments on the Proposed Plan.